Développeur / Intégrateur no code - low code

Développeur / Intégrateur no code - low code

Mano Mano


📍Lieu du poste :


📝 Type(s) de contrat(s) proposé(s) :


💸 Fourchette salariale :

🚨 Date de démarrage :

👋 Description du job

- Interest in Low code - No code tools
- Interest in APIs development and Integration connectors & resources set-up
- Relentlessly seek for automation
- Interest in Microservice architecture
- Interest with Databases (SQL and/or noSQL)

💪 Expérience attendue

❤️ Outils no code utilisés




⭐️ Compétences attendues

Non renseigné

🖥‍ Langages de programmation attendus



🏰 Description de la société

Launched in 2013, ManoMano is the European leader specialised in DIY, home improvement and gardening online. ManoMano brings together the largest offer of DIY & gardening online products. With more than 3600 seller partners, 10 million products, 7M active customers and 50M unique visitors per month, ManoMano is a disruptor of online home improvement, DIY and gardening across 6 countries : France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom. ManoMano was valued at $2.6 billion and reached Unicorn status in July 2021 after $725 million raised 8 years after its creation. ManoMano also works for the pros with ManoManoPro, a unique platform designed to make life easier and free building craftsmen from their daily constraints. Currently in France, Spain and Italy, the BtoB activity saves craftsmen time by revolutionizing their purchasing processes. We currently are more than 900 Manas & Manos, including a quarter of international talents and 24 nationalities, working in our 4 offices (Paris x2, Bordeaux and Barcelona). Our vision, as a responsible European B2C and B2B industry leader online, is to offer a unique value proposition on our HI markets, beyond product to services, to be an A Brand. Our ManoMano way of life, within business hypergrowth, is to always keep the human dimension at its right place. Empowering people to responsibly make their own kind of world is our mission.

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