Brand - Web Designer

Brand - Web Designer



📍Lieu du poste :


📝 Type(s) de contrat(s) proposé(s) :


💸 Fourchette salariale :

🚨 Date de démarrage :

👋 Description du job

We need a Brand / Web Designer to help the Marketing team to create a strong brand, to produce landing pages and take care about our website evolution in terms of design & implementation. Your objectives are to develop our design system and to handle our website and all digital supports. This is a newly created role so everything (almost) is to build. It’s a 360° role. The Designer will be working closely with the Marketing team and specially with Brand Manager & Growth Manager. You will be responsible for our brand design (graphic charter, brand elements etc…) but also responsible for all design implementations (website on webflow, blog development on webflow, landing page creation on webflow).

💪 Expérience attendue

❤️ Outils no code utilisés



⭐️ Compétences attendues

Non renseigné

🖥‍ Langages de programmation attendus

Non communiqué

🏰 Description de la société

What you’ll do... 1\. Strategy : - Contribute & support the brand design vision. Handle the graphic charter and all the brand elements and improve them, - Create our Silvr Design System in collaboration with our Product Team. 2\. Production - Design all our brand elements & mockups for our website, blog, landing pages & all digital supports (Figma / Adobe suite), - Handle our project on Webflow (website, blog, landing pages) and implement our design, - Support the Marketing team in their work by helping them to create brand elements (Paid ads, social media design, videos, landing pages, newsletters, white book etc.).

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