RPA Engineer

RPA Engineer



📍Lieu du poste :


📝 Type(s) de contrat(s) proposé(s) :


💸 Fourchette salariale :

🚨 Date de démarrage :

👋 Description du job

Get onboard of the PayFit rocket by joining our RPA Team as an RPA Engineer

Your mission will be to evangelize and promote the adoption of RPA in the company, understand, analyse and design product integration solutions ensuring the best workflows, ensure the maintenance of the processes put into production and their reporting.

You will be responsible for:
- Identification and modeling of product integration processes.
- Iterative developments in agile methods of software robots (UiPath)
- Delivery and deployment of solutions
- Support and maintenance of robots in production

💪 Expérience attendue

1 an d'expérience en RPA

❤️ Outils no code utilisés

UI Path

⭐️ Compétences attendues

Non renseigné

🖥‍ Langages de programmation attendus


🏰 Description de la société

PayFit simplifies payroll management and HR processes for SMBs. PayFit is an automated SaaS solution to help business owners and HR professionals save time and money allowing them to refocus on what really matters: their employees.

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